2023-24 Academic Outcomes

At Thomas’s Academy we recognise the important part assessment and academic achievement play in our students lives.
We strongly feel effective assessment enables staff to be better placed to teach children and therefore enable rapid progress. We measure progress and attainment in a range of ways and carefully monitor this in order that swift action can be taken if children are falling behind. This includes tests, assessment tasks and observations. All parents receive regular feedback on their childs progress both with their academic achievements but also with their social and emotional development.
We also engage in Assessment for Learning techniques to empower pupils, where appropriate, to be part of this process. Such techniques include providing pupils with opportunities to peer and self-assess their learning in relation to the learning objectives. Agreed marking conventions and feedback are used to enable children to make improvements to their work.
In Early Years, observations of children is the main assessment approach used. These observations are shared with parents via an app called Tapestry. Parents too are encouraged to share their observations. We believe that children learn best when the school and families work together.
We are incredibly proud of our latest academic attainment:
KS2 Outcomes
at or above
At above
Reading, Writing
& Maths*
91% 61% 73.8% 13%
Reading* 96% 74% 83% 30%
Writing 83% 72% 81% 30%
Grammar, Punctuation
& Spelling*
96% 72% 83% 43%
Maths* 100% 73% 84% 26%
Science 92% 81%  

*For Children born between September 2012 - August 2013