Since September 2014, Statements of SEN were not issued and, instead, young people are assessed for an EHCP.


The purpose of an EHCP is:


• to make special education provision to meet the special educational needs of a child or young person

• to secure improved outcomes for him/her across education, health and social care

• to prepare for adulthood as the child gets older


An EHCP will:


• Contain the views and aspirations of you and your child, a full description of his/her special educational needs and any health and social care needs

• Establish outcomes for your child’s progress

• Specify the provision required and how education, health and social care will work together to meet your child’s needs and support the achievement of the agreed outcomes


Who can request an Education Health and Care Needs Assessment for my child?


• Parents/carers

• Child (where appropriate and aged 16 and over)

• School, usually the SENCo or Head teacher

• The local authority conduct an assessment of your child’s needs and this may lead to an EHC Plan.


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